Thursday, June 30, 2011

open up, openionate

I think it's time I speak out. Speak my mind. Voice my opinion.

That's the reason, I set up this blog. Openionate. Pun intended. On this blog you'll find my opinion on all things open. From open innovation to open data to open source to open business models. The common theme for the blog is simple.

Being OPEN. In kind and spirit.

It helps that professionally now I'm devoting my entire effort to open source technologies. Towards understanding them, consuming them, but not yet really contributing to them. Actually, I do contribute. By consuming them. An open source product survives because of it's popularity and usefulness. Because it solves an itch, not just of one programmer, but of several.

I have always been working with open source technologies. Be it the Debian laptop at home or the enterprise Linux servers at office. Or the beautiful RAW photo editing tools that help me pursue my photography interests. Or the various types of databases - noSQL or SQL and programming languages such as Python.

One muses at what does OPEN really mean. What does it take to truly open up? But, more on that later, in the next posts. Keep reading!